Ask yourself this... Do you feel you have enough time for all of the things you want to get accomplished?
There are 3 types of activities in life which demand your time, and you have to decide every day which to spend your time on and which to ignore for today.
You have things you have to get done, like paying the bills, working, grocery shopping, taking care of your kids, your pets, and yes, even getting enough sleep.
You have things you want to get done like spending more time with your family and friends, on your hobbies, working on advancing in your job to earn more money, and the stuff on your to-do list that usually rolls over to the next list.
And then you have the things you wish you could do if you found the time for it. These usually don't even make your to-do list because you know it won't happen.
What if you could free up more of your time and energy, by ensuring your bills are all getting paid for you, so you don't have to interrupt your life several times a month to work on them yourself?
Your time and your money are both important in your life. Let's look at the value of your time and then how our service can save you money.
Your time is valuable. You can't buy more or create more.
You can stop losing your time to paying your bills yourself and spend more of it where you really need to. You could also regain a week a year as you'll see below.
First, look at how you lose time when you have to manage and pay your bills yourself every month. Doing it yourself leads to...
Would you like to reclaim more FREE time?
Now days working parents, individuals with a social lives, college students, just about everyone is so over whelmed with everything we have to do. That we all are trying to find extra time in the day. We are trying to find time to sit down and take a breath between the hours of 6 am and 11pm. If you are one of these people you need to seriously consider our bill pay services.
No, you are not going to reclaim an extra day a month but how about just 4 to 6 hours. Thats right the average Americian spends between 4 and 6 yours a month outheir bills. That is almost 3 full days a year.
Think about it...
You're spending time gathering up and putting aside bills, opening and looking through them, checking to see when you have to get it paid, and going to various websites to make payments or writing checks you have to drop off in the mail...
and you may do this several times each month.
You could easily spend 4 hours throughout the month managing all of this.
Now 4 hours x 12 months a year = 48 hours a year.
That's like working 6 days at 8 hours a day. That's a full work week or more for most people.
This is just in regards to your time and doesn't take into account the value you put on your own personal time. Have you ever considered how valuable your time really is?
The one thing you can control about your time is how you choose to use it.
This is where the value of your time is related to what you want to accomplish with it.
Now think about that 48 hours of valuable time you could reclaim every year. What could you do with this lost week every year?
Spend it with loved ones, work on advancing in your career, or spend it on your favorite hobbies? Maybe all of these.
How much sense does it really make to give up your valuable time, to working on your bills yourself every month?
This is an important monthly task you can leverage a professional service for to ensure it gets done, without having to use your own time to do it.
Save your time and take the worry out of having to manage your bills every month. Because you don't have enough time to do everything yourself and your time should be spent on the things that only you can do, or want to do yourself.
Once you put us to work for you, you won't have to worry about paying your bills yourself or the extra costs or repercussions of late payments and fees anymore.