When you have to keep track of and manage your regular monthly bills yourself, this leads to...
If you want to avoid the cost and stress from late payments and just make everything easier on yourself, then put our trusted, secure bill payment services and our experienced, professional staff to work for you.
You can enjoy the convenience and time savings of having your bills paid for you, while you focus your time and energies on the other important areas of your life.
You'll feel secure knowing you're still in total control of your finances. We act as your financial assistant, doing the work for you, making the payments you have given us permission to make for you.
By putting us to work for you, you are moving yourself into more of a financial manager position, able to review your payments at any time in one place through your online dashboard. You can review your payments at your convenience and easily communicate with us when you have a question or change in the future.
You will no longer have to worry about the time and effort needed to keep on top of the bills, or the cost of missing a payment.
Our secure payment systems and professional account coordinators will even alert you to any changes or payment issues you need to know about, before they become a problem.
Here 's what it 's all about.
You already use many professionals in your life. Your doctor, insurance agents, mortgage brokers, retirement specialists, the list goes on and on.
Why do you use them?
Because they have an expertise in an area you don’t, or you use them to save time or money. In our case you can leverage all three.
We have over 17 years of expertise in bill payment systems combined with superior customer service and account management.
We save you valuable time you can now spend where you need or want to, and we save you money by preventing late fees as well as dings to your credit score.
Ask yourself this...
Do you feel you have enough time for all of the things you want to get accomplished?
There are 3 types of activities in life which demand your time.
You have things you have to get done, like paying the bills, working, grocery shopping, taking care of your kids, your pets, and yes, even getting enough sleep.
You have things you want to get done like spending more time with your family and friends, on your hobbies, working on advancing in your job to earn more money, and the stuff on your to-do list that usually rolls over to the next list.
And then you have the things you wish you could do if you found the time for it. These usually don't even make your to-do list because you know it won't happen.
We can free up some of your time and energy by ensuring your bills are getting paid so you don't have to break off of what you're doing several times a month to handle them.
What would you do with an extra work week every year?
If you spend just 4 hours over a month working on your bills, which is easy to do even when you're organized, you can free up a work week every year.
Think about it. You have to track when each bill needs to get paid, gather up the ones when it's time to pay them, and then pay them at each different website or write out checks to drop off on the way home from work.
You're spending time gathering up and putting aside bills, opening and looking through them, checking to see when you have to get it paid, going to a website to pay it or writing a check you have to drop off in the mail...
and you may do this several times each month.
You could easily spend 4 hours throughout the month managing all of this.
Now 4 hours x 12 months a year = 48 hours a year.
That's like working 6 days at 8 hours a day. That's more than the average work week you could reclaim every year.
And this doesn't take into account the value you put on your own personal time. Have you ever considered how valuable your time really is?
Don't get caught in the trap of thinking your time has no value. It does. And as you watch it go by realize that you can't get it back, you can't trade for it or buy more of it.
You can choose how to use it. and this is where the value of your time is related to what you want to accomplish with it.
Now think about that 48 hours of valuable time you could using to spend with loved ones, work on advancing in your career, or spend on your favorite hobbies, among other things.
How much sense does it really make to give up your time to working on your bills every month?
Save your time and take the worry out of having to manage your bills every month so you can be more focused on the other important areas of your life.
Once you put us to work for you, you won't have to worry about the extra costs or repercussions of late or missing payments anymore. And you'll have more time for those areas of your life in the "want to do" and "wish I could do" lists.
Making a late payment can cost you $25 - $35 or more. This is a short term cost which could have long term negative effects.
Here's what could happen:
A late payment can trigger an increase in your interest rate even on another credit card.
A late payment can reflect on your credit history and lower your credit score.
If your interest rate goes up on one or more of your bills, your payment increases which is going to cost you more every month going forward.
If you credit score goes down and you need new or additional credit or a new mortgage in the future, your cost for a new mortgage or new credit could be higher and costlier due to the lower credit score.
The difference in mortgage payments due to a lower credit score could easily run into the tens of thousands in additional interest, over the life of the mortgage.
You set up your account with us.
You tell us when to start making your payments and we go to work for you.
When you want to see which payments have been made, you can simply log in to your online dashboard. Everything will be right there in one convenient place.
When you have a change on a bill in the future, you tell us, we make the changes in our system, and everything keeps moving forward for you.
We 've helped thousands of clients to pay and manage their bills since we started in 1997. We currently send out over 3 Million dollars a month in on time payments for our clients.
We can help you too, allowing you to save time and money while we do the work. You can sit back and manage and review your finances when you want to, knowing everything is being taken care of for you.
You don’t pay anything today.
We’ll set up your account and you’ll verify your information.
Then you’ll choose a start date which is when you’ll stop making the payments yourself and we’ll start making them for you.
Each month, as we send out your payments we’ll send one out to pay for our service too.
This way you aren’t paying for the service until you are actually using it and you don’t have to put it on a credit card. It will show up on your bank statement and in your online dashboard with all of your other bill payments.