Aging Seniors: As time will take its toll on all of us we all want to stay as independent as we can. Part of independence is to stay in our homes and live as normal of a life as we can. However, as we all know the older we get the more our mind deteriorates and we become forget, don’t let the lights or heat be turned off because of this. Let us help.
Traveling Seniors: The golden years should stay golden, during this time many people find themselves wanting to travel and live life but need to maintain the home life. If you are one of these we can help.
Primary care providers: Many of us find us in the situation of helping our aging parents stay as independent as they can and live as normal of a life as they can. However, with our busy schedules. Sometimes we only make it to mom and dads to help with the needed things. Spend time with your loved ones and let someone else worry about the bills.
Busy Professional: You commute an hour each way, you work late and on the weekends. Or worse yet you work the grave yard shift so when you are awake no one else is.
Traveling Professional: Do you have a job that takes you away from home often?
Busy People: So you have a career, a social life, you have children and football, soccer, softball, gymnastics, piano, cheer and a tone other activities. Plus every once in a while you want to spend some down time to refresh your batteries. If this sounds like your life let us help.
Anyone who wants to enjoy life: So bills aren’t your thing, you can’t stand sitting down figuring out what has to be paid and when, why take the time to log into several websites to manage all your bills. For about a $1.50 a day we will do all of this.
You are consistently late on payments: Ok so remembering the bills isn’t on the top of your list? We understand, if you have one late payment a month you need to let us help.
Unorganized and hate to shuffle papers: You know you put the keys on the table, where did you leave your cellphone. The utility bill came in but where is it now. If this sounds like you let us help.