Will I have to call into a call center?

Absolutely Not.  This is what sets us apart from others.  You will be assigned your very own personal account representative.  You will get to know them and work directly with you.  You will have a direct line to them as well as direct email and you can even text them if you wish.  No calling a call center and having to explain your situation 100 times.  We are here to help you succeed.

How can I make payment changes?

First our system is a completely done for your system, where you can set it up once and forget about it.  Just review our emails before we make payments and everything will work like clockwork.  Our system is setup to watch your bills so you don’t have to.  We will be notified when payment amounts change and notify you.  However, if you if for some reason you do need to make a change to one of your payments you will be to contact your personal representative by, phone, email or even text message if you desire.

Who is right for your service?

Aging Seniors:  As time will take its toll on all of us we all want to stay as independent as we can.  Part of independence is to stay in our homes and live as normal of a life as we can.  However, as we all know the older we get the more our mind deteriorates and we become forget, don’t let the lights or heat be turned off because of this.  Let us help.

Traveling Seniors:  The golden years should stay golden, during this time many people find themselves wanting to travel and live life but need to maintain the home life.  If you are one of these we can help.

Primary care providers: Many of us find us in the situation of helping our aging parents stay as independent as they can and live as normal of a life as they can.  However, with our busy schedules.  Sometimes we only make it to mom and dads to help with the needed things.  Spend time with your loved ones and let someone else worry about the bills.

Busy Professional:  You commute an hour each way, you work late and on the weekends.  Or worse yet you work the grave yard shift so when you are awake no one else is.

Traveling Professional:  Do you have a job that takes you away from home often? 

Busy People: So you have a career, a social life, you have children and football, soccer, softball, gymnastics, piano, cheer and a tone other activities.  Plus every once in a while you want to spend some down time to refresh your batteries. If this sounds like your life let us help.

Anyone who wants to enjoy life: So bills aren’t your thing, you can’t stand sitting down figuring out what has to be paid and when, why take the time to log into several websites to manage all your bills.  For about a $1.50 a day we will do all of this.

You are consistently late on payments:  Ok so remembering the bills isn’t on the top of your list?  We understand, if you have one late payment a month you need to let us help.

Unorganized and hate to shuffle papers:  You know you put the keys on the table, where did you leave your cellphone.  The utility bill came in but where is it now.  If this sounds like you let us help.

Will your system adjust my payment if it goes up or down?

Our proprietary system is hooked into data aggregation, as long as you are able to connect your financial institution to our system we can monitor the adjustment in bill payments.  And yes if your payment goes up we can notify you and make adjustments.  Having said this during our initial conversation we will discuss what is best for you and make the appropriate adjustments.

Why haven’t I heard about this before?

As you may be aware bill payment services have been around for a very long time.  However up until now it hasn’t been affordable to the average person.  Professional Athletes, Actors and other High Networth individuals pay people to manage their bills.  However, these services usually cost $100 to $400 a month so the average person can’t afford these services.  Now with our propriety system we are able to manage, track, keep you informed and pay your bills on time every time for about the same price as one Late payment.

How long has your company been in business?

Our parent company Financial Insights was started in 1996 and we have helped over 10,000 clients with their bills and finances since our inception.  We have made over 647,239 successful payments for an amount of more than $280,000,000 dollars.

What bills will you pay?

We will pay an and all bills, Mortgage, Auto Loans, Rent Payments, Credit cards, Utilities, Student Loans, Personal loans etc.  Now some bills will require more work on your part or a different level of service.  You see different bills will fall into different categories.  Many of your bills such as mortgage, student loans and auto loans will have a set payment that never change.  Some of your loans such as store cards and credit cards should have payments that decline assuming we are paying them off and then there are others such as your utilities that can go up and down based on your usage.  If you can connect to our aggregation system, we can adjust payments as the payment changes.  However, if you cannot we will either need you to let us know when a payment goes up.  Or we will have to have your setup on our Bill Pay Pro system where statements are sent to us and we scan them in and make adjustments for you. 

What if I can’t connect a bill to your online system?

With bills that are not yet setup to have us pull the data we have two options.

Option number one is to set the payment higher than what the minimum payment may be (This is best usually for credit cards).  If the payment changes to an amount higher than what we set the payment at you will have to notify your representative. 

Option Number Two our premier service allows you the ability to change your mailing address to ours we will scan in your bill then post it to your account and change the amount on of your payment to reflect that amount you owe. 

Making this truly a fully automated hands off bill payment services so you don’t have to worry.

What about bills that aren’t paid monthly?

Many of us have bills that we pay quarterly or maybe semi-annually like auto insurance.  Yes, we can handle these types of payments as well.

I am tight with my payments how can you help?

We get this question a lot let me assure you that a lot of our clients have similar thoughts.  We have found over the years that there are many different reasons people are tight with their finances.  Our system can help although we will not negotiate debts we have some great education tools you will have access to when you sign up.  You will also have the opportunity to talk with our representatives that can

Will I lose control of my finances?

Absolutely not.  Our services help remove the overwhelming nature, frustration, and time consuming tasks of handling your bills.  By signing up for our service you will help remove the stress associated with bill payments.  Our clients say how relieved they are to let someone else handle this aspect of life so they can focus on the more important aspects of life.  Like their family or career.

Who are your clients?

We have clients from all walks of life.  Professionals that are away from home a due to business obligations, like traveling sales people, truckers, Pharmaceutical sales reps with multi-state territories.  Retired people that love to travel or are away from home for weeks at a time, people in the RV community.  Elderly that want to keep their independence but need assistance making sure that payments are made on time and many others

How will I know what you are going to pay?

There is nothing worse than being blinded by a payment going up and you are not prepared for it.  Our proprietary system will go out and check your payments every month and based on the rules we put in place we will notify you.  Two days before we send out any payments on your behalf we will send you an email notifying you of what bills will be paid, how much will be paid and when they will be paid.  If everything is in line you don’t need to do anything.  If something doesn’t work for you just pick up the phone and call us.

I have my account synced with your service why is my balance or payment not coming up?

There are over 10,000 financial institutions in the United States although we work with one of the top data aggregators in the United States, it is very hard to always get all of the data we need.  To prevent any issue with payments we will always set a minimum payment just in case your data doesn’t post.  You can always call us and change payment before we send it out.

Do I have to connect my bank and creditors to your system?

No.  You do not have to connect your bank or your creditors to our system.  We can set you up on a bill pay system that pays the same amount each month or you can call, email or log into our online system and change the payment when you receive your bill.  However, if you want to manage all of that we say use your bank. However if you don't want to manage anthing and you really want to make this a set it and forget it system, its best you connect your accounts.  This way our system can go out and get your payment data make the changes to the payments as required by your financial institution and you don’t have to touch a thing.  We will notify you if your payment goes up from last month we will also notify you when you payment clears.

How will I know what you have paid?

We want to keep you informed that is why two days after we have paid a bill we will send you an email explain what we paid.  You will also receive one monthly statement from us that will list all of your bills how much was paid and when.  If your bank or financial institution is integrated with our services, you will also receive an email from us the day after they post your payment.

Will I get a monthly statement?

One of the pluses about our system is that you will get a monthly statement from us that gives you a summary of what we have paid on all of your bills each month and year to date.  No more having to keep track of a bunch of statements just keep one.

Do I have an online portal to go to?

Yes, our online portal is very secure and easy to navigate. From your portal you will be able to communicate with your account representative, you will be able to see a complete history of “ALL” your bills and all of your payments in one place.  You will have access to education and many other items.

What can I see on the website?

Our website is a great place to visit.  Online you will have access to a summary of all your accounts, you will be able to see the scheduled payments, history of payments made.  We will also show you a history of balances (assuming we can aggregate the data) You will also have access to our financial information to help you make better financial decisions.  Finally, you will be able to make any changes you desire to your monthly payments.  One online portal to see all of your accounts and change all of your payments.

Why would someone use your services?

We offer a free 30 day trial of our services because we know after 30 days you will be saying why didn’t I use these services before?  But to the question people use us for a bunch of different reasons.  Mostly because our services is a convenience where someone can set the system up once and we will monitor, track, pay and report to you.  If you don’t love sitting down every month and reviewing and then paying your bills (and who doesn’t?wink).  Then our service is for you.

How do I get started?

You can either go through our online setup process by clicking on this link or you can call us at 855-Bill-Pay (855)-924-5572 for your initial free consultation.  Here we will explore which of our services may be most helpful to you.  If you would like a quick preview of our services and the advantages of them please click on this link.

What do you charge for your services?

Our services are about the same as one late payment.  We have made it affordable for all people.  Please see our pricing guide for more information.

Do I give up control over my account?

Absolutely not, our system is designed in you in mind.  We never have control over your money.  Our job is simply to make your life easier.  With your initial consultation we will setup a schedule that works for you and all we will do is track your payments and execute the transaction.  No need for us to ever have access to your account or touch your funds.  For budgeting purposes many of our client setup separate accounts for all bill payments but it is not necessary.

Do you have a referral program?

Yes, we have made this referral program very aggressive, unlike other companies that will give you one time $10, $20 or maybe even $50 credit towards your bill.  We will credit your account for $7 every month for as long as your referral stays on our program. If you refer more than 10 people you will receive $10 a month for each person as long as they are on the program.  

Credits will be applied to monthly fees first.  Any amount over and above monthly program fee will be sent to customer in form of a monthly check. 

Customers receiving more than $599 annually will receive a 1099 from EPS.

How secure is my information?

As a leader in the bill pay industry our business depends on this.  So you know this is not something we take lightly we want to protect your data from any would be hacker.    


So you know we always follow standard PCI compliant security protocols.  We host all of our Data on Azure servers which is owned and Operated by Microsoft, we do not host at your local data center or on site but with one of the largest and most secure data hosting services in the world.  Microsoft also uses the highest levels of data encryption and security protocols available.  You may be interested to know that you can always go to https://www.ssllabs.com to check a websites security Rating.  Right now our rating is an A, we check this frequently to make sure that we are always using the best practices.  So you know Wells Fargo, Chase and Bank of America have a worse security rating than us and are still able to pass the banking CPI compliance standards.  We only state this to let you know we keep on top of the banking industry protocols.These institutions are very very secure and take your data security serious as well.


Now, the above is for our standard data storage.  We have now moved into the data aggregation industry where you can connect your accounts with our systems such that you have access to all your data in one place.  This will help us monitor your balances and your payments to make sure everything is running as expected, taking more of the work from you so that you can enjoy your life.  This data is very important to keep safe and secure.  As this is the log in information to your Bank accounts and to your Credit cards.  So you will be happy to know that we do not host or store any of this data, even though our security systems and protocols would permit us to do so.  We have integrated with one of the leaders in data aggregation industry.   Our partner is approved by intuit for data aggregation Global 500 companies to smaller companies use this platform.  Our partner is the one that host and store all your critical data, we are only able to have access to your transaction information such as balances, payments, dates, interest rates, etc.. 

Transparency is important to our family can more than one person be notified of bill payment transactions?

Yes, we can send all correspondence to multiple email accounts.  This way Spouses can stay informed, children of aging parents can make sure that everything happens like clockwork.  Or traveling individuals can have a copy of transactions for peace of mind.

How can I trust you?

We have now been in business for more than 20 years we have an A+ rating with the better business bureau, we have made more than 650,000 payments for thousands of customers.  Over the past 10 years we have sent close to three quarts of a billion dollars in payments.  Plus we never actually have access to your funds we are just the ones that initiate your payments.

What are some of the benefits of your services?

  1. Seniors can enjoy their independence longer by staying at home not having to worry about the bills.
  2. More time for caregivers to care for and visit with parents or family members.
  3. A third party to help you control and manage bills.
  4. Avoid Late fees, bank charged, cancellation of services, collections or other adverse circumstances that could accrue due to none payments.
  5. Relief, to know that bills are taken care of mailed and paid while traveling, deployed or just busy chauffeur children around from one event to another.
  6. No more having to wade through monthly statements, numerous emails or log onto multiple sites, all done in one site and have one person to talk with.

Will you pay a bill if we don’t have the money?

Our proprietary system is setup to check your bank account for available balance to verify funds needed for payments.  If funds are not available, we will send you an email informing you of the situation.  However, the system is set up to default to make payments.  We do this because we notify you two days before and many people just haven’t made deposits.  It’s more of a reminder.  However, if funds won’t be available all you have to do is pick up the phone and call, text or email us and let us know when funds will be available and we will make the adjustments for you.

Will you ever touch our money?

Absolutely not we are not like banks or other bill pay services where we take the money then send the payments.  No money will ever leave your account until your creditor is paid.  We initiate the transaction but are not ever the middle man.  Your funds are always safe with you.