1. Get a cash back credit card. That is right, you heard it here. Get a credit card to save money. Seems a little backwards at first but hear me out. Each month you have a budgeted amount of wh
3 Reasons American's Aren't Paying Bills On Time
I was shocked recently to learn that over a quarter of Americans regularly don’t pay their bills on time. I was even more shocked to learn that this is not just a result of not having the funds. Actually there are 3 reasons, besi
How to pay your bills on time, every time
Recently I was perusing Pinterest and came across an article “the easiest way to organize and pay your family’s bills”. I clicked on the link to see just what secret sauce they had to ensure all the bills g
What to know about Bank Billpay
So you are like the other 30% of customers at your local bank and you use their online bill payment system. How convient is that? You get to log in to your bank and enter who you want paid and when and your bank sends out the payments