Aging Is Inevitable - Let 's Make It Easier

Everyone likes to be in control of their lives; independent and self-sufficient. We like to feel valued and capable and not dependent on other people to get things done for us.

This is a particular concern in the elderly population.

Huffington Post experts recommend encouraging independence in seniors by creating a plan for them to remain as independent as they can for as long as they can.

This takes time and often a collaborative effort from family members and friends. But ultimately a little time and effort upfront to support independence is going to take a heavy load off your plate, should your loved one; mother, father, husband or sibling, wind up fully dependent on you to take care of them.

Prevention is everything and the sooner you create your plan the better.

Do whatever it takes to set your elderly loved one and yourself up for success. This means taking care of your health and your loved ones, make sure they get to their doctors’ appointments. You may want to set them up with reminders to take their medications; either an alarm on their phone or even just a call if necessary.

When it comes to bills it makes sense that as we get older the "forgetful factor" becomes more and more evident. The last thing you want is for your mother or father to fall behind in their bills simply because they forgot to pay them. Never mind all the annoying interest charges and late fees that add up.

It’s just silly to waste money when it could be used to help support independence. Or worse, you would hate for the heat to be turned off in the winter just because someone forgot to pay the bill. Simple things like using a bill payment service is an excellent option for making sure all the bills are paid on time every month. A piece of mind for everyone and definitely a big savings in the long run.

Experts from Comfort Keepers report the importance of independence in the quality of life of a senior is invaluable.

What you don't want to do is get into the habit of doing everything for them. But you can either do it with them or make sure some things are taken care of automatically so they can manage the rest on their own.

Relieving Stress Is Important

Things like cleaning and even going out for groceries can be a real stress for some seniors.

They may get worried they are going to hurt themselves climbing up to dust the top shelves. Or perhaps their anxiety levels may shoot through the roof thinking they've missed a few items on their grocery list. These are simple things you can either do for them to help them maintain a happy, healthy, independent lifestyle, better yet you can outsource these routine daily chores out to others.

Elderly people are highly sensitive and it's natural for them to lose cognitive function as they age. You become forgetful and disconnected, and don't have the ability to recall information stored in your brain like you would have in your youth.

Scientists have proven that every memory you've experienced is hidden somewhere in your brain. And as you age it just gets harder to store and retrieve this information when you want it. Simply put, you just forget where it is.

Support independence in the elderly and do whatever it takes to maintain a good quality of life with purpose.

Work with them to get things done and hire out, services to take care of some of the normal everyday tasks like paying bills, cleaning, and grocery shopping, simply because it's the right thing to do.

Click the link below to see how our bill payment services make life easier on seniors and their family or care givers while ensuring the bills are being paid like clockwork.