1. Get a cash back credit card. That is right, you heard it here. Get a credit card to save money. Seems a little backwards at first but hear me out. Each month you have a budgeted amount of wh
3 Reasons American's Aren't Paying Bills On Time
I was shocked recently to learn that over a quarter of Americans regularly don’t pay their bills on time. I was even more shocked to learn that this is not just a result of not having the funds. Actually there are 3 reasons, besi
How to pay your bills on time, every time
Recently I was perusing Pinterest and came across an article “the easiest way to organize and pay your family’s bills”. I clicked on the link to see just what secret sauce they had to ensure all the bills g
Clear Cut Advantages Of Using A Bill Paying Service
Particularly if you have a job as a Dr. or nurse or perhaps a shift worker at an auto plant, you can certainly use a little bit of help getting your bills paid on time just because you've got a pretty weird schedule.
If you try and p