Late Fees Are Killers, Particulary for Seniors Living On A Fixed Income

When it comes to financial independence your credit score plays a big role. If you haven't got financial control of your life there's no doubt you are living in a stressful environment. According to relationship experts at Psychology Today, money is the number one cause of marriages breaking up.

Money is also directly linked to extreme stress, which is the trigger for serious disease like cancer, Alzheimer's, stroke, and all sorts of other disease. Money makes the world go round and this makes it very important in relation to your happiness.

For seniors, money is often a day-to-day stress because they are living on a fixed budget where every penny matters. So the charges that rack up because of a late credit card payment or forgotten bill can add up fast. It's enough to quickly spiral them into financial hardship simply because they "forgot" to pay. It happens to the best of us and more often to seniors.

Did you know that making payments late is the worst thing you can do for your credit score? That's according to Now I know that most aging seniors are not going to go out and get more credit.  However being late on your credit still can affect seniors negatively.

Forget about the late fees or over the limit fees which can cause extra stress to seniors on a fixed budget.  Late’s can also have a chain reaction and cause interest rates to rise or the cost of insurance to increase.  Causing more stress to seniors, help them so this doesn’t happen to them.

It's important that you reduce your late payments or avoid them altogether. And nobody needs the outrageous late fees these companies charge even if you are a couple days late. It's the cycle of destruction that will keep on building higher and higher if you don't get it cleaned up fast.

And a sure fast way to guarantee you aren't ever going to mistakenly miss a payment again is to pass this responsibility off to the professionals, a reputable bill paying service. This alleviates stress, saves you money, strengthens your credit score, and will give you the happy mindset that you aren't throwing money away anymore.

Take control of your happiness today.