3 Things No One Told You About Living With An Alzheimer's Parent
Upon first hearing that your parent has Alzheimer’s you will be given loads of information and resources to help you deal with the reality that is Alzheimer’s and also try to help you cope. While I agree this material is (and pro
Aging Is Inevitable - Let 's Make It Easier
Everyone likes to be in control of their lives; independent and self-sufficient. We like to feel valued and capable and not dependent on other people to get things done for us.
This is a particular concern in the elderly population.
Time Management Matters More with Age
Time stops for nobody and the better you are able to manage your time the more successful you will be. This applies to kids, teenagers, young adults, and the elderly. Manage Your Life Now experts believe in reality you don't have the
What Really Happens to The Aging Brain?
According to the National Institute On Aging, there are all sorts of expected changes to the brain as you age.
*Your brain begins to shrink in certain parts, particularly the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. These areas are re